Voyaga yetmagan o'quvchi va uning oilasining ijtimoiy-psixologik pasporti Tug'ilgan sanasi Maktab, sinf Salomatligi holati (salomatlik guruhi, kasalliklarning mavjudligi) O'zlashtirishi Davomati Ota-onasiing FISH Onasi Otasi O'quvchining individual shaxs xususiyatlari va xulq-atvor xarakteristikasi N Xususiyat 1. Temperament Sangvinik Xolerik Flegmatik Melanxolik 2. Qiziqishlar yo'nalganligi Ta'lim faoliyatiga Mehnat faoliyatiga Badiiy va estetik faoliyatga, Sport, turizm sohasidagi yutuqlarga Odamlar o'rtasidagi munosabatlarga Hech narsaga qiziqish yo'q 3. Faollik Barcha jamoat ishlarida faol ishtirok etadi Jamoat hayotida faollik ko'rsatmaydi, lekin topshiriqlarni bajaradi Kamdan-kam hollarda jamoat ishlarida qatnashadi Jamoat ishlarida qatnashishdan bosh tortadi 4. Tashabbuskorlik U ko'p ishlarning tashabbuskori sifatida harakat qiladi, buning uchun hech qanday tan olinishga intilmaydi U kamdan-kam hollarda yangi biznesni boshlaydi U hech qachon har qanday ishning tashabbuskori sifatida harakat qilmaydi 5. Kommunikativlik Har doim odamlar bilan aloqa o'rnatishga tayyor Cheklangan miqdordagi odamlar bilan muloqot qilishga intiladi Ish va dam olishning individual shakllarini afzal ko'radi 6. Odamovi, muloqotchan emas O'ziga ishonch Topshiriqlarni boshqalarning yordamisiz bajaradi, agar kerak bo'lsa, yordam oladi Qiyin vazifani bajarayotgan, yordam so'ragan, garchi u buni o'zi hal qilishi mumkin yedi Ko'pincha, vazifalarni bajarayotganda, u o'zi hal qila olsa ham, boshqalardan yordam va yordam so'raydi Doimiy ravishda, hatto oddiy masalalarda ham, boshqalarning roziligi va yordamiga muhtojSee answer
Voyaga yetmagan oquvchi va uning oilasining ijtimoiy psixologik pasporti Tugilgan sanasi Maktab sinf Salomatligi holati salomatlik guruhi kasalliklarning mavjudligi Ozlashtirishi Davomati Ota onasiing…
Basic Answer
This document appears to be a socio-psychological profile for a student who is struggling in school. Let’s break down how to complete it. The provided text is in Uzbek.
Step 1: Gathering Information
The form requires information about the student and their family. We need to fill in the missing details:
- Tug’ilgan sanasi (Date of Birth): [Insert Student’s Date of Birth]
- Maktab, sinf (School, Grade): [Insert School Name and Grade]
- Salomatligi holati (Health Status): [Insert Health Group and any illnesses/disabilities. e.g., “Sog’lom (Healthy)”, or “II guruh (Group II) – [Specific Condition]”]
- O’zlashtirishi (Academic Performance): [Describe academic performance. e.g., “Qoniqarsiz (Unsatisfactory)”, “Qoniqarli (Satisfactory)”, “Yaxshi (Good)”, “A’lo (Excellent)”]
- Davomati (Attendance): [Describe attendance. e.g., “Muntazam (Regular)”, “Kamdan-kam (Infrequent)”, “Doimiy ravishda qatnashmaydi (Constantly absent)”]
- Ota-onasiing FISH (Parents’ Full Names): [Insert Father’s Full Name], [Insert Mother’s Full Name]
- Onasi (Mother’s Information): [Add any relevant information about the mother, such as occupation, education level, etc.]
- Otasi (Father’s Information): [Add any relevant information about the father, such as occupation, education level, etc.]
Step 2: Assessing Personality Traits
The form then assesses the student’s personality. For each characteristic (Temperament, Interests, Activity Level, Initiative, Communicativeness, Self-Confidence), select the most appropriate description from the provided options. For example:
- Temperament: Choose one: Sangvinik (Sanguine), Xolerik (Choleric), Flegmatik (Phlegmatic), Melanxolik (Melancholic)
- Interests: Check all that apply.
- Activity Level: Choose one option that best describes the student’s participation in school activities.
- Initiative: Choose one option that best describes the student’s proactiveness.
- Communicativeness: Choose one option that best describes the student’s social interaction.
- Self-Confidence: Choose one option that best describes the student’s ability to complete tasks independently.
Step 3: Completing the Profile
Once all the information is gathered and the personality traits are assessed, complete the table by filling in the appropriate responses for each characteristic.
Final Answer
The final answer will be the completed socio-psychological passport. This passport will provide a comprehensive overview of the student’s academic performance, health, family background, and personality traits. Remember to fill in all the missing information accurately and honestly to create a useful profile. This information can then be used to develop strategies to support the student’s academic and social-emotional development.