ZMedia Purwodadi

Mempengaruhi jumlah dan panjang akar suatu tanaman Mempengaruhi kinerja akar tanaman dalam menyerap unsur hara Mempengaruhi kemampuan tanah dalam menunjang pertumbuhan tanaman Struktur Tanah Tekstur tanah Kelembaban tanah Struktur Tanah Tekstur tanah Kelembaban tanah soal menjodohkanSee answer

Daftar Isi

Mempengaruhi jumlah dan panjang akar suatu tanamanMempengaruhi kinerja akar tanaman dalam menyerap unsur haraMempengaruhi kemampuan tanah dalam menunjang pertumbuhan tanaman Struktur Tanah Tekstur…


Basic Answer

This appears to be a matching question in Indonesian, relating soil properties to their effects on plant roots. Let’s match them:

Step 1: Identify the Factors Affecting Plant Roots

We have three factors affecting plant roots:

  1. Jumlah dan panjang akar (Number and length of roots)
  2. Kinerja akar dalam menyerap unsur hara (Root performance in absorbing nutrients)
  3. Kemampuan tanah menunjang pertumbuhan tanaman (Soil’s ability to support plant growth)

Step 2: Identify the Soil Properties

We have three soil properties:

  1. Struktur tanah (Soil structure)
  2. Tekstur tanah (Soil texture)
  3. Kelembaban tanah (Soil moisture)

Step 3: Matching Soil Properties to their Effects

Based on general soil science principles:

  • Soil structure significantly influences the number and length of roots a plant can develop. A well-structured soil allows for better root penetration and growth.
  • Soil texture (the proportion of sand, silt, and clay) affects the root’s ability to absorb nutrients. Different textures have different water-holding capacities and nutrient availability.
  • Soil moisture is crucial for root function. Appropriate moisture levels are essential for nutrient uptake.

Step 4: Matching Results

Therefore, the matches are:

  1. Jumlah dan panjang akar <=> Struktur tanah
  2. Kinerja akar dalam menyerap unsur hara <=> Tekstur tanah
  3. Kemampuan tanah menunjang pertumbuhan tanaman <=> Kelembaban tanah

Final Answer

Faktor yang Mempengaruhi AkarSifat Tanah
Jumlah dan panjang akarStruktur tanah
Kinerja akar dalam menyerap unsur haraTekstur tanah
Kemampuan tanah menunjang pertumbuhan tanamanKelembaban tanah